The Role of Arts and Culture in International Relations

Art and civilisation are frequently treated as lesser subjects in the field of foreign policy, sidelined such that the academics and policy wonks can focus on hard power—the oft aggressive or coercive use of military and economical force to influence the beliefs of other states or political bodies. By focusing so heavily on the elements of hard power, however, we lose something essential. Civilisation binds societies together, art can spur social change, and globalization has allowed artists and designers around the world to collaborate and share experiences on an interpersonal level. Happily, the tide seems to be turning in favor of taking the power of "soft" elements like culture seriously in the theory and practice of international relations. In early April of this year, Foreign Policy, in conjunction with TCA Abu Dhabi and TCP Ventures, hosted the first international Civilisation Superlative to explore, among other things, the role that culture could play in addressing some of the major political challenges currently going on around the world. The arts are an important element in the foreign policy toolbox for a variety of reasons, and deserve continued attending.

Epitome courtesy of Eadmundo, © 2017.

The Civilisation Summit was held in Abu Dhabi, which, after decades of being known as a cultural wasteland, has been edifice its reputation equally a hub for international fine art and design. Topics covered during the five-day conference included "What the Arts Tell Us About How We Tin Come Together," "The Why and How of Cultural Preservation in the Coming Decades," "The Arts & Advancement," and "The Unintended Consequences of Technological Alter." Speakers were diverse, ranging from Madeline Albright to ministers of state to photographers and comedians. Artists from around the world performed, and there was an award anniversary for "Cultural Diplomats," musical performances, workshops, and carefully curated meals. All in all, an event designed to impress, and hopefully the commencement of many time to come culture summits where leaders from the political and artistic worlds meet to talk over the ways in which art, design, and technology can be used to drive foreign policy objectives.

For an case of how culture tin be used to influence behavior of other political entities, take the recent partnership betwixt the MBC (a individual media group based in the Middle East) and U.Due south. television writers who are looking at ways in which loftier-quality, compelling television shows can combat the influence of ISIS'south propaganda and shake their hold over potential new recruits. Such a partnership could undoubtedly work in reverse, too, introducing Americans (and other Westerners) to a side of the Center East besides ISIS, the Taliban, and other enemies of wars by. Or, look at a project that was discussed as a role of the Civilization Acme: an effort spearheaded past the International Rescue Commission and the nonprofit organization backside Sesame Street to bring the Muppets to Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq. The goal of the plan is to support development for children who accept been uprooted and trapped in war zones and who would otherwise face up relatively bleak futures as adults, by introducing them to the Muppets in schools, clinics, circulate media, and web and mobile sites. Both programs are specifically aimed at leveraging arts and civilisation to affect an consequence internationally, a tactic often referred to as "cultural diplomacy."

Other artwork is more than subtle in its message, less overtly related to global politics only still very relevant. The Bulgarian/Moroccan husband-wife duo Christo and Jeanne-Claude have for years created big-calibration, political artwork that draws crowds of visitors from around the earth. Their floating piers in Italy and gates in Fundamental Park seem even more than poignant today, as they celebrated open borders and global motion, in stark contrast to the recent talk of walls, fences, borders, and travel bans. All of their exhibits would be incommunicable to build and showcase without the cooperation of multiple countries and the ability for tourists to travel freely. Christo has already had to cancel a piece in Colorado over conflicts with President Trump. Artists throughout history, from contemporaries like Ai Weiwei and Banksy to historical figures like Picasso and Rembrandt, have sought to convey political messages and sway opinions through their artwork. Artists can raise global awareness of a detail issue, such as the effects of climate change or human rights violations perpetuated by a regime—or simply express an stance on a policy, political effigy, or situation—in a visual way that is oftentimes more poignant than an article in a journal or a report filed by a UN committee.

There are dozens of other touchpoints betwixt arts and foreign policy: the global fine art trade has been bustling for hundreds of years, moving money and culture beyond borders; mode borrows designs and trends from different societies; ISIS has been destroying (and/or selling) antiquities every bit role of their campaign; culinary influences accept travelled across borders for centuries; and cultural diplomacy seeks to create mutual understanding past facilitating commutation across borders, for example. Prc, Russia, Israel, Nigeria, and many others spend billions (combined) on cultural diplomacy, and even the United States was once a strong proponent of cultural substitution, despite contempo signs to the contrary. When the various roles that the arts and culture are taken more seriously in summits, G-20 meetings, policy discussions, and even international relations classrooms, we will undoubtedly find new ways they can support economic growth, global educational activity, health and human rights, and political thought, it addition to more than ambitious goals like reducing global terrorism and combating climate change.


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